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Deadlock: How to Play Bebop, Best Build and Strategies

by Shida Aruya
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If you’ve ever wanted to be the hero who wins team fights with a single hook in Deadlock, Bebop is the character for you. This modified scrap golem combines powerful crowd control with devastating spirit damage, making him one of the most flexible heroes in Deadlock. Let me guide you on how to play Bebop, his best build, and strategies.

Deadlock Bebop Best Build

How to Play Bebop in Deadlock: Core Abilities and Leveling Order

Before learning deeper into his builds, let’s understand what makes Bebop such a threat on the battlefield. Here are his core abilities:

Bebop Hook
The ability that lets you pull enemies or allies to your position. Its strength comes from versatility, you can rescue teammates or drag enemies into danger.

• Base: 10 damage.
• AP 1:
 Deals 25% more weapon damage against hooked enemies for 10s duration.
• AP 2: 
+30m cast range.
• AP 5:
 -11.5s cooldown.
Bebop Sticky Bomb
Sticky Bomb
This explosive can stick to enemies or yourself, dealing big area damage after a short delay. Placing it wisely can disrupt enemy positioning.

• Base: 110 damage, 6m radius, and 3s duration. Gain +1.5% bomb damage for every enemy hero hurt. Gain +4% bomb damage for every enemy hero killed within 12.0s.
• AP 1:
 -8s cooldown.
• AP 2: 
+75 damage.
• AP 5:
 On attach, target deals -30% less damage for 5s.
Bebop Exploding Uppercut
Exploding Uppercut
A close-range attack that knocks enemies back, deals damage and slows their fire rate on landing.

• Base: 0.01 Uppercut damage, 80 area damage, 14m radius, 15% slower fire rate, and 5s duration.
• AP 1:
 -10.5s cooldown.
• AP 2: 
Gain fast spin-up time, 2x radius, and +50% weapon damage for 12s duration.
• AP 5:
 Set Hook cooldown to 0 and instantly add 100% bullets to your current clip.
Bebop Hyperbeam
Hyper Beam (Ultimate)
Fire a powerful laser that damages and slows enemies in its path. Best to be used from high ground or after a well-timed hook.

• Base: 205 DPS, 25% movement slow on hit, 2.9m beam width radius, and 70m beam length radius.
• AP 1:
 -30s cooldown.
• AP 2: 
+100 DPS.
• AP 5:
 Heals Bebop for 80% of its damage on heroes and 25% on non-heroes.

For the best results with Bebop, upgrade your abilities in this order:

  1. Start with Hook at level 1 for initiating fights and creating opportunities.
  2. Take Sticky Bomb at level 2, which will perfectly complement your Hook for additional damage.
  3. Get Exploding Uppercut at level 3 for close-range control.
  4. Last but not least, unlock Hyper Beam at level 4 for a team fight.

Early Game Items for Bebop (0-15 Minutes)

The early-game items for Bebop are all about establishing lane presence and building your core items. Focus on landing hooks when enemies are out of position and coordinate with your lane partner. From the start until 15 minutes into the game, your goal isn’t necessarily to get kills but to disrupt the enemy’s farming. Start with:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Mystic Burst
Mystic Burst
500Essential for early damage output
Deadlock Healing Rite
Healing Rite
500Provides sustain in lane
Deadlock Melee Lifesteal
Melee Lifesteal
500Helps with trading and staying healthy
Deadlock Spirit Strike
Spirit Strike
500Amplifies your ability damage
Deadlock Sprint Boost
Sprint Boots
500Critical for positioning
Deadlock Mystic Reach
Mystic Reach
500Extends your hook range

Mid-Game Items for Bebop (15-25 Minutes)

During this phase, focus on creating opportunities for your team. Hook key targets, use your ultimate Hyper Beam to zone enemies, and protect your carries:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Health Nova
Health Nova
1,250Team fight sustainability
Deadlock Improved Cooldown
Improved Cooldown
1,250More frequent ability usage
Deadlock Divine Barrier
Divine Barrier
1,250Defensive capability
Deadlock Spirit Armor
Spirit Armor
1,250Survivability boost
Deadlock Superior Cooldown
Superior Cooldown
4,250Core item for hook plays

Also Read:

Late-Game Items for Bebop (25+ Minutes)

By the late game, you should already be a powerful force. At this stage, positioning becomes very important. Stay behind your frontline unless you’re making a play, and save your ultimate for key moments like objective fights. Focus on:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Superior Cooldown
Superior Cooldown
4,250Maximum hook uptime
Deadlock Hunter's Aura
Hunter’s Aura
3,000Team damage boost
Deadlock Mystic Slow
Mystic Slow
4,250Control enhancement
Deadlock Improved Spirit Armor
Improved Spirit Armor
4,250Late game survivability

Situational Items for Bebop

If you get extra Souls, then you face a specific team composition or need to counter enemy strategies, here are the items you should consider:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Crippling Headshot
Crippling Headshot
6,200Shuts down mobile enemies
Deadlock Spiritual Overflow
Spiritual Overflow
6,200Gives maximum spirit damage output
Deadlock Phantom Strike
Phantom Strike
6,200Core item for assassination combos
Deadlock Diviner's Kevlar
Diviner’s Kevlar
4,250Extra defensive option while diving
Deadlock Shadow Weave
Shadow Weave
6,200Ultimate escape/initiation tool

Strategies to Play Bebop in Deadlock

When you are playing Bebop for combat, remember:

  • Aim your hook just ahead of moving targets.
  • Try the hook-bomb combo for extra damage.
  • You can also use the terrain to your advantage, helping to hide your hook animation for surprise attacks.
  • Start from the high ground when using ultimate ability and use it to zone enemies away from objectives.

Bebop will be a great hero when you can play smart and understand the game. Get in there and show what a skilled Bebop can do. Don’t forget to check our Abrams best build in Deadlock too!

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