WhatsApp introduced the ‘View Once’ feature to allow users to share private photos and videos that disappear after being viewed once, similar to Snapchat. Officially, there’s no way to save or download these photos, and screenshots are blocked too. However, there are ways to bypass this restriction and save these ‘View Once’ photos and videos on WhatsApp.
Important: Remember, if someone sends you a photo or video using the ‘View Once’ feature, they trust you to respect their privacy. Do not attempt to save, screenshot, or share this content without their explicit permission or unless necessary.
Here are two methods to save ‘View Once’ media on WhatsApp:
1. Download View Once Photos Using Chrome Extension (PC Only)
If you have a desktop computer, you can easily save disappearing photos and videos on WhatsApp using the ‘View Once Photos Bypass’ Chrome extension. This method also works with other Chromium-based browsers like Edge and Brave. Check our guide on WhatsApp Web tips and tricks.
1. Install the Extension: Add the ‘View Once Photos Bypass for WhatsApp Web’ extension to your Google Chrome browser.
Download: View Once Photo Bypass Extension
2. Open WhatsApp Web: Launch WhatsApp Web in a tab and log into your account.
Visit: WhatsApp Web
3. View and Save: Any ‘View Once’ photo or video will now appear as a regular media file, allowing you to view it multiple times, take screenshots, or download it.
The media will disappear from your phone after you view it once. However, till you have the extension installed, it will be available on WhatsApp Web, even if you refresh the page or close and reopen it later.
Here’s the very same photo on my phone, which is currently unopened:
After I open the image, it will be marked as seen, and the other person will know I’ve viewed it, likely assuming it’s no longer available. However, they won’t be aware that the photo is still accessible on my WhatsApp Web.
Note: If the extension doesn’t work or the media fails to load on your computer, try uninstalling the extension, closing the WhatsApp Web tab, and starting over.
2. Save WhatsApp ‘View Once’ Photos Using Beeper
When it comes to saving ‘View Once’ photos and videos on your phone, the situation is similar to Snapchat: you cannot take screenshots, and if you try to capture a picture with another phone, the quality won’t be the best. This is where Beeper comes to the rescue.
Beeper is an all-in-one messaging app that consolidates chats from different platforms into one dashboard. Interestingly, WhatsApp within Beeper doesn’t enforce ‘View Once’ restrictions, allowing you to view, save, or screenshot media as you please.
Note: If you’re using Beeper for the first time, it may ask you to complete a one-time setup with your PC. However, if you already have an account, you can start directly on your phone.
1. Install Beeper: Download and install Beeper on your phone or any device you prefer.
Download: Beeper Universal Chat (Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS)
2. Sign Up and Link WhatsApp: Open Beeper, sign up with your email, and follow the instructions to link your WhatsApp account.
3. Access WhatsApp in Beeper: You can now access all your WhatsApp chats within the Beeper app.
4. View and Save Disappearing Photos: When someone sends you a ‘View Once’ photo or video, it will appear as a regular file in Beeper, allowing you to save or download it easily on your phone.
Beeper even lets you view images sent as ‘View Once’ before you set up the app. However, it doesn’t support viewing or saving view once voice notes yet.
Important Note: These workarounds may violate WhatsApp’s terms of service, so use them at your own risk.
Saving One Time Photos on WhatsApp
While WhatsApp’s ‘View Once’ feature enhances privacy, it can also be frustrating for users who want to preserve memories. The methods discussed above offer workarounds to save these disappearing photos and videos, but it’s important to respect the sender’s privacy. Always seek permission before attempting to save or share ‘View Once’ media, and use these tricks responsibly.