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Fortnite Chapter 6: Fastest Ways to Level Up and Why Battle Royale Players Hate It

by Shida Aruya
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The new Fortnite XP system in Chapter 6 has the community talking, but not in a good way. Epic Games added some new ways to earn XP, but a lot of Battle Royale players feel it’s harder than ever to level up. Here’s everything you need to know about how to level up fast and gain XP efficiently in the current system, and why it’s causing so much frustration for Battle Royale players.

Why Fortnite Battle Royale Players Are Frustrated with New XP System Changes

Epic recently buffed XP gains in several modes to address player complaints. In LEGO Fortnite, In Reload, and the upcoming OG mode, you can earn up to 4 million XP weekly. During your first 35 hours of play, you’ll get 1,900 XP per minute, dropping to 550 XP per minute after that until Thursday’s reset.

Daily bonus goals now give 25,000 XP each for a total of 75,000 XP, while LEGO Fortnite quests jumped dramatically from 700 XP to 25,000 XP each.

Despite these changes, Battle Royale players still feel left behind. The main game mode doesn’t receive any playtime XP, and Epic removed the milestone challenges that many relied on for progress. Combining daily quests across all modes hasn’t helped either. Players complain they can only gain about three levels after grinding four hours in Battle Royale. That’s way slower than in past chapters, and it’s got people pretty frustrated.

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“It’s impossible to level up while playing BR mode,” one Reddit user complained, voicing what a lot of players feel. Many are frustrated about having to leave their favorite mode just to grind Battle Pass levels. The community’s suggestion? Add playtime XP to Battle Royale, just like other modes already have.

Fastest Ways to Level Up in Fortnite Chapter 6

To level up quickly in Chapter 6, you’ll need to forget about Battle Royale. We know it hurts, but the XP just isn’t there anymore. Here’s what works best for daily grinding instead:

  • Start with your daily bonus goals. You can get 75,000 XP total from just three daily goals now.
  • Check which modes have the easiest goals and knock those out first.
  • Go play LEGO Fortnite quests because each one gives 25,000 XP, and you can stack several simple building or gathering quests at once.
  • When OG mode drops on December 6th, you need to add that to your gameplay.

Last but not least, save Battle Royale for when you want to compete, not for XP grinding. We know it’s not ideal if you’re a Battle Royale fan, but this is honestly the fastest way to level up right now.

Until Epic makes some changes, leveling up efficiently won’t be the most fun for most of us. With the OG mode returning on December 6, there’s hope it might offer some, but it’s clear the Battle Royale community is mainly asking for real improvements to the XP system. For now, the fastest way to unlock those Battle Pass rewards is to mix things up across different modes, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone.

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