Telegram is already way ahead in terms of features when compared with other messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messenger, Line, Signal, etc, but bots just take it to another level. Thanks, to Telegram’s open-sourced bot API, anyone can create bots for Telegram which gives rise to a lot of unfinished bots which are not that great. That’s why I have compiled a list of best Telegram bots which are well made, fully functional, and most importantly, useful. Let’s check those out.
Before We Begin
Setting up a bot is easy, you can add it to Telegram by clicking the links below and typing ‘/start’. Most Bots have detailed instructions listed which would help you find every feature of the bot. BotFather is the official bot by Telegram which grants you API keys to create your own Telegram bot
Best Telegram Bots
1. Bot List Bot
If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, then you can use this bot. It is the biggest consolidated list(unofficial) for bots on Telegram. You can search for bots by name, category, newly added, etc. Ranging from Android and tech news to weather, you can find a bot for that.
Get BotListBot
2. Cropper Bot
Instagram is notoriously famous for its stubborn image aspect ratio policy. For example, if you were to upload a panoramic image on your profile, it would look like a thin line on your timeline where you can’t make out anything. Cropper bot lets you split the image into square pieces which you can upload as an album. Just upload a panorama to the bot chat window and you’ll get the images instantly.
Get Cropper Bot
3. Pomodoro Timer Bot
Pomodoro is a great technique to improve your productivity significantly at work. It uses a 25 minute and 5-minute work-break cycle to keep your brain productive. Surely, you can get a number of apps on Android, Windows, Mac, etc, but if you’re on Telegram a lot then you may as well give this bot a try.
4. Chat Against Humanity Bot
If you’re a fan of Cards Against Humanity then you’re going to love this bot. It brings the popular cards game to your Telegram group chat, you can also play it alone if you’re into that. You can also import different packs from the CardCast website like Dungeons and Dragons, Naruto, God of Hyperdeck, etc. The bot has a well-built UI and vote management system which allows you to fairly play the game.
5. Retrogames Bot
Both Telegram and Facebook Messenger have a wide range of games which would keep you occupied for hours. However, if you want to play your retro games, you either have to install an emulator app on your phone or computer. You can instead add this bot to Telegram and play the games within this app. It supports NES, SNES, SEGA(OG and GENESIS), and GAMEBOY (Color, and Advance). It doesn’t have any ROMS so you’ll have to purchase the games yourself.
Get Retrogames Bot
6. Reddit Video Downloader Bot
Came across a cute cat’s video on r/aww? Now, you can instantly download the video uploaded to Reddit with this bot. Simply, paste the link in the bot chat window and the bot would process the link and extract the video link in seconds. It’s a must have if you’re a cat pic hoarder.
Get Reddit Video Downloader Bot
7. Instasave Bot
Like I said before, I see a cute cat’s picture I download it locally but Instagram doesn’t let you do it natively. With Instasave bot, you can download the pictures from Instagram by just copying the link to the bot chat.
Get Instasave Bot
8. Events Aggregator Bot
You can create a custom news feed within Telegram with this Bot. You can follow users on Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, and Twitter. You can also subscribe to subreddits and RSS feeds to get all the latest info on Telegram.
9. Voicy Bot
Voicy can be a calm mediator when the chats get intense and people switch to voice notes instead of texts. Voicy converts the audio files to text automatically. It requires setting up once in the group and after that, it does the job automatically.
Get Voicy
10. Spoiler Bot
There is no reason for you to ever send a spoiler in a group chat but if you ever want to, use this bot. This is a simple wrapper which would hide your actual spoiler in a warning message which the users can choose to see or ignore.
Get Spoiler Bot
11. IFTTT Bot
IFTTT is an incredible automation tool which connects different services together. You can link your IFTTT account with your Telegram and do all sorts of cool stuff with it. For example, you can control hue lights with Telegram, create a group, Spotify List, trigger Alexa, etc.
12. Movies Tracker Bot
Instead of just guessing movies in the Group Chat, you can use this Movies Tracker bot to get the accurate details of the film in just seconds. Call this bot in the chat and enter the movie name, it will pull up the information from IMDb including Title, Plot, Year, Rating, IMDb URL, etc.
13. Wikipedia Summary Bot
How many times you’ve cited a Wiki Page just to win an argument with your friends? I assume a lot. This bot allows you to quickly link a Wiki article in a chat with a summary. It also gives you the link to the full article on the bottom of the message. Plus, you can set a preferred language of all the future results.
14. Hodor Bot
Hodor, Hodor… Hodor. Hodor!
Get Hodor Bot
15. Group Butler Bot
This next bot can take all the responsibilities of an Admin and help you take some time off. If you’re an admin of a group more than 200 members then you can convert it into a supergroup and let the butler take over. It can kick and ban users automatically, set rules, custom triggers, and put anti-flood in place. Just add it to the group and make it an admin already.
Get Group Butler Bot
16.Grocery List Bot
This is the most useful bot to have in a group whether you live with your family or have a flat situation. It can be the most efficient way to make the list of groceries for the month. You can add it to the group, add or delete items to the list, pull list, delete the entire list, etc.
Get Grocery List Bot
17. Hot or Bot
Not quite full-fledged like apps like Tinder but this bot is a great way to come across strangers. It works just like Tinder, you like or dislike profiles shown by the bot and when you both like each other, you can chat with each other.
Get Hot or Bot
18. Github Bot
This next bot is a must have if you have any public repositories as it would be easier to get notified whenever a new event occurs. You can also comment and reply to post comments with this bot. Just authorize the bot on your account and you’re good to go.
Get Github Bot
Closing words
These were my picks for best Telegram bots which include a healthy variety of useful and fun bots. Telegram also has other popular bots which you already might know about. For example, Gamee is a gaming bot which lets you play close to 20 different games. Sticker lets you search for best stickers, and Music lets you discover classical music.
Which bots are your favorite, let me know in the comments or connect with me on Twitter.