Google is set to launch the new Pixel 9 series at its annual ‘Made by Google’ event on August 13. While the rumors suggest bunch of changes in the specifications, the design of the new Pixel 9 phones will also get a bump. Hani Bioud, an Algerian developer, leaked a video on Twitter that bares the upcoming Pixel 9 in one of the colors – Pink.
The leaked hands on video of the Pixel 9 shows the phone in a ‘Peony’ pink color and is apparently too bright for the the Pixel series. Hani Bioud, the Twitter user who leaked the video, also shared a photo of the Pixel 9’s frame and massive twin camera bump. It almost looks like an attachment, but it isn’t. Of course, the glossy back panel elevates the color. Another part worth noticing are the well-rounder corners of the Pixel 9. Though the screen wasn’t turned on, rumors suggest that Pixel 9 will have bigger bezels than the Pixel 9 Pro and 9 Pro XL models.
So far, we’ve learned that Google will launch Pixel 9 series in four models – Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel Fold. Out of these four, rumors hint that the Pro series Pixels will sport the Samsung’s M14 OLED screens with higher brightness and efficiency in power consumption.
The Pixel 9 is expected to have a 6.24-inch display and may not get an OLED display. Google might want to keep the disparity between standard and Pro series models – just like Apple does with iPhone series. However, the Pixel 9 is set to house Google’s own Tensor G4 System-on-Chip. To team with that chipset, Google will offer the Pixel 9 in two variants: 12GB of RAM with 128GB storage and 16GB of RAM with 128GB storage. That indicates typical annual incremental updates, but it seems the color options might attract more eyeballs.
While Google is readying the Android 15 and it’s Beta 3 is already out, it’s safe to assume that the Pixel 9 series will launch alongside the Android 15.