Google Photos has a habit of showing blast from the past often. You might’ve spotted a Google Photos notification while you sip your coffee and wonder what that might be about. When you tap on it, it opens photos from a trip you went on last year or occasion from a specific period. Google calls this feature Memories. However, these memories compilation can be painful or unwanted. Luckily, Google Photos lets you hide them or view less of memories of specific people in the photos.
Memories show a carousel of photos and even videos based on date, event, occasion, and other factors. These memories help us reminisce those happy moments, but also includes pictures of people we don’t want to see or think of again. That goes for places to that you vowed never to revisit again. Until now, it was impossible to control what Memories resurfaces in Google Photos.
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You can block photos of people or places or things that you don’t want to see in these memories from Google Photos.
Note: We tested this feature in Google Photos app version on our Samsung Galaxy S24 smartphone.
What it can do:
- hide face of a person.
- show less of a place, person, or thing.
- block completely.
Here’s how it works:
- Open Google Photos app on your phone.
- Tap on your Profile picture in the top-right corner and select Photo settings > Preferences > Memories.
- Tap on either Hide people and pets or Hide dates option depending on the filter to hide photos from memories.
- Under the first option, you can either choose to select faces of people/pets you don’t want to see less of in memories or you can directly block them to never see them again.
- Under second option, tap on Add dates to select a start and end date. An example can the beginning and end date of that that uneventful where nothing went right.

This feature has some caveats. When you select faces, these people will not appear in your Memories when they are the only person in the photo. However, a group photo with that person or pet might reappear. In that case, you can use the date feature to further narrow down. Also, you can either see less of someone or completely block them which should work better.
We are running Google Photos version on our Samsung Galaxy S24 smartphone.