While most of the web entrepreneurs and internet power users have more than one Twitter account and often managing them all together, become very tedious as you have to log in and log out every time you check/tweet from your particular account.
One way of avoiding this is by using different browser. But again this might save you some time, but again it’s not advisable in the long run. So In this article, we will look for some better alternative for managing your Twitter account.
Managing multiple Twitter on Mobile devices
Twitter faq page says that you cannot link two Twitter account together on the web. However, for phone and Android, there is an option inside the twitter’s official app.
Manage multiple Twitter profile on Desktop
For Desktop there is a simple workaround which can help you manage multiple Twitter accounts on the web by using a third party web based client called TweetDeck. Tweetdeck is an excellent web client made for a power user, brought by Twitter on 2011.
There is two version of TweetDeck. First is the web client who don’t require any installation and second there is software which can be downloaded and run on your computer.
To access the web client use this faq page and sign in with anyone of your twitter email id. After you sign in you can add your other account by going to the setting options. With TweetDeck, you can link multiple Twitter account and manage them efficiently. It lets you check you twitter feeds, mentions and even your gives you notification of different Twitter account by creating columns in a single browser.
I found this web app is developed for more advanced users. HootSuite lets you manage multiple Twitter accounts but other than that you can also manage your Facebook, Google page, FourSquare, and LinkedIn account as well.