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Marvel Rivals: How to Assist Mutants as Magneto (Homo Superior Achievement)

by Shida Aruya
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In Marvel Rivals, there are many achievements to complete. Some are easy, some difficult, and some are just downright confusing. One example of the confusing one is Homo Superior, which requires you to assist fellow mutants while playing as Magneto. If you’re struggling to complete this task, you are in the right place. Here is your guide on how to assist mutants as Magneto in Marvel Rivals.

Homo Superior Achievement Guide MARVEL RIVALS

How to Complete the Homo Superior Achievement in Marvel Rivals

The Homo Superior achievement is essential for completing the Heroic Journey achievements. But why is it confusing? The requirement seems simple: “Assist mutant allies as Magneto.” So, how hard can it be? First of all, Magneto is a Vanguard character, meaning he is a tank who dominates the frontline. His role in a match is to absorb damage to protect his teammates while also dealing damage to pressure the enemy team.

This is where the challenge arises. If you’re here, chances are you’re securing KOs instead of assists, which means the achievement isn’t progressing. But don’t worry, follow these methods to complete the Homo Superior achievement efficiently!

1. Shield Ally Mutants To Get Kills

The first and most straightforward method to complete this achievement is to shield your mutant allies while they secure kills. This is easier because you have a clear assist target, as long as they are a mutant. Simply use your Metal Bulwark (E) on a mutant ally who is in an offensive position and looking for a kill.

Now, here’s the key to ensuring the assist counts: DO NOT hit the enemy your ally is trying to kill. Why? If you deal too much damage, the kill will count as a KO instead of an assist. You can read our Marvel Rivals assist guide here for a more detailed explanation. So, avoid attacking the enemy and focus solely on shielding your allies. This might feel like you’re throwing the game, but it’s the trade-off for completing this achievement. To make it easier, it’s best to do this in a quick match.

2. Shield Ally Mutants To Prevent Death

The second method also relies on Metal Bulwark (E), but this time, it’s used defensively. This approach is slightly harder since you need to time your shield bubble correctly. If you see a mutant ally on the brink of death, quickly activate your shield bubble to prevent them from dying. Successfully doing this will count as an assist, helping you progress toward the achievement.

Who Are Considered Mutants in Marvel Rivals?

This achievement requires you to assist allied mutants, which means you need to know who qualifies as a mutant in Marvel Rivals. Here is the current list of all mutant characters in the game:

Wait, where’s Scarlet Witch? Isn’t she a mutant too? That’s a common question and even debated on Reddit. In Marvel Rivals, Scarlet Witch is not considered a mutant. This is even referenced in the pre-match conversation between Magneto and Scarlet Witch, where Magneto states that his daughter is not a true mutant.

These strategies for completing the Homo Superior achievement as Magneto may require you to play a bit differently than usual, but they’re quite effective once you get the hang of them. Protecting your mutant allies or saving them from danger is more important than getting kills for this achievement. Focus on assists to support your team. Jump into a quick match, team up with characters like Wolverine or Storm, and start racking up those assists. With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to adding this achievement to your collection.

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