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Marvel Rivals Mister Fantastic Guide: Abilities, Combos, and Best Counters

by Shida Aruya
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Players, it’s time to flex—quite literally—in Marvel Rivals! Reed Richards, a.k.a. Mister Fantastic, has finally been released in Season 1. As a new Duelist, he has been hyped up by players worldwide. In this Marvel Rivals Mister Fantastic guide, we’ll help you ‘stretch’ your potential and dominate matches in the game. Here’s everything you need to know about Mr. Fantastic’s abilities, combos, and counters in Marvel Rivals.

Mister Fantastic Stats in Marvel Rivals

Mister Fantastic Marvel Rivals
Mister Fantastic
Movement Speed6m/s
AffiliationFantastic Four

Mister Fantastic Abilities and Ultimate

Ability NameDescription
Stretch Punch (LMB)– Stretch out a forward punch to attack enemies.
Brainiac Bounce (Q)– Leap upward and smash the ground, slowing enemies within range.
– Can leap again upon landing a hit.
Reflexive Rubber (Shift)– Stretch body to absorb damage before launching stored damage in the targeted direction.
Flexible Elongation (E)– Gain a shield, select a target, and dash towards them, dealing damage to enemies and granting Shield to allies.
Distended Grip (RMB)– Extend arms forward to entangle an enemy, then press LMB to pull the hit enemy toward you.
– Select and yank another enemy, knocking them airborne against each other.
Elastic Strength (Passive)– Using abilities generates Elasticity, boosting attack power.
– Reaching full Elasticity triggers an Inflated state that grants Shield and boosts even more damage.
Wedded Harmony (Team Up)The Invisible Woman taps into her powers, channeling Psionic Might to fortify the entire Fantastic Four team.
– This formidable force bolsters Mister Fantastic, granting damage resistance.

Mister Fantastic’s kit is flexible, both literally and figuratively. His abilities make him a mix between all roles, offering versatility as a pick, much like his flexible body. He brings the damage output of a Duelist but can stretch to boost his health and defense like a Vanguard, making him one of the strongest characters in Marvel Rivals—if played correctly.

How to Play Mister Fantastic: Combo and Attacks

Before we dive into the details, I want to appreciate NetEase for designing Mister Fantastic just as he should be—goofy yet deadly. While his stretching body might seem silly, he is actually incredibly dangerous and can be a nightmare for the enemy team. Here are some tips to help you fully shine as Mister Fantastic:

Basic Attack Swing

His basic attack involves stretching his arm forward to hit enemies along the path. The trick is to swing your crosshair from one enemy to another while Reed stretches his arm. This way, you can hit multiple enemies with a single swing! This ability makes Mister Fantastic an ideal hero for players who struggle with aiming.

Know When to Pull or Be Pulled

His Flexible Elongation pulls you toward a selected enemy, making it perfect for chasing and finishing off opponents. However, be careful not to overextend your position. Instead of initiating a fight with Flexible Elongation, it’s better to start with Distended Grip to pull your enemy toward you, then use Flexible Elongation to finish the combo.

However, if you’re confident you can chase or dive into the frontline, Mister Fantastic is more than capable of taking damage. This is especially true if you team up with his lovely wife, Susan Storm, a.k.a. Invisible Woman, who was also introduced at the start of Season 1.

Ultimate Usage Tips

Mister Fantastic’s ultimate skill isn’t as lethal as the ultimates of other Duelists. His ultimate, Brainiac Bounce, focuses more on crowd control than dealing killing blows. It significantly slows enemy movement, so make sure to use it when your teammates are ready to follow up with their combos.

How to Counter Mister Fantastic

Reed’s skills and attacks revolve around chasing, diving, and flailing his stretchy arms. The best counters are characters who can effectively block his straightforward attacks or from long-range. Here are the best characters to counter Mister Fantastic in Marvel Rivals:

Groot Marvel Rivals
Groot can easily block Reed’s basic attacks with his walls, rendering him almost useless in combat.
Peni Parker Marvel Rivals
Peni Parker
Peni can counter Reed’s dives using her Arachno-Mine. If Mister Fantastic starts his ultimate and begins bouncing around wildly, you can easily interrupt him with your Web-Snare, stunning him in the process.
Scarlet Witch Marvel Rivals
Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch’s basic attack deals a percentage of max health as damage, making her an effective counter to Reed’s tanky state.
The Punisher Marvel Rivals
Punisher is a great counter to Reed due to Reed’s relatively short attack range. If Reed attempts to dive onto you, use your Smoke Grenade and Vantage Connection to reposition and maintain distance.
Invisible Woman Marvel Rivals
Invisible Woman
Ironically, Susan is an excellent counter to her husband. Her Shield skill can protect teammates from Reed’s skills and basic attacks, making it harder for him to secure takedowns.

Also Read:

That’s all for our Marvel Rival Mister Fantastic guide. Mister Fantastic brings a unique and entertaining playstyle to the game. While he might look silly stretching around the battlefield, a skilled Reed Richards player can be a real menace to deal with. Whether you’re playing with him or against him, remember that positioning and timing are key. Keep practicing those stretchy combos, and don’t forget to team up with Sue Storm for that extra survivability boost.

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