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Marvel Rivals Psylocke Guide: Abilities, Combos, and Best Counters

by Shida Aruya
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Psylocke is easily one of the most challenging Duelists to master in Marvel Rivals, but she is so worth it. She is a fast, mobile assassin who is all about sneaking into the enemy backline and taking out key targets. With only 250 health and a movement speed of 6 m/s, you must position her carefully in battles and time her abilities just right to make an impact. Here is the complete Marvel Rivals Psylocke guide including abilities, combos, and best counters.

Marvel Rivals Psylocke Abilities, Combos, and Best Counters

Psylocke Stats in Marvel Rivals

Psylocke Marvel Rivals
DifficultyHighest difficulty
Movement Speed6 m/s
PlaystyleBackline assassin

Psylocke Core Abilities and Ultimate

AbilityDescriptionKey Stats
Psionic Crossbow (LMB)A psionic crossbow that fires damaging bolts, with each hit reducing other ability cooldowns.• Rewind time: 5s
• Bonus Health: 50%
• Cooldown: 30s
• Only active with Magik on the team
Wing Shurikens (RMB)Launches psionic shurikens that stick to enemies and can be recalled for additional damage. Grants bonus health on hits.• Projectiles: 5 shurikens
• Damage: 8
• Recall Damage: 14
• Bonus Health: 10 per hit
• Cooldown: 8s
Psi-Blade Dash (Shift)A quick dash that damages enemies in its path. Can be used for vertical mobility.• Damage: 50
• Distance: 12m
• Charges: 2
• Cooldown: 8s
Psychic Stealth (E)Grants invisibility and increased movement speed. Taking damage briefly reveals Psylocke.• Duration: 3s
• Movement speed boost: 50%
• Cooldown: 15s
Dance of the Butterfly (Q)Psylocke’s Ultimate. Unleashes rapid katana slashes in an area, dealing massive damage and slowing enemies.• Duration: 4s
• Damage: 12
• Hits: 2 hits per second
• Radius: 10m
• Enemy Slowdown: 30%
Psionic Disc (C – Team Up)When paired with Magik, allows Psylocke and Black Panther to rewind time and gain bonus health based on missing health.• Rewind time: 5s
• Bonus Health: 50%
• Cooldown: 30s
• Only active with Magik on team

Psylocke’s kit revolves around mobility, precision, and cooldown reduction. Her ultimate, Dance of the Butterfly, unleashes devastating AOE katana slashes, dealing heavy damage while slowing enemies caught in the radius.

Advanced Tactics and Combos for Psylocke

For Psylocke’s best assassination combo, start by sneaking in with Psychic Stealth to get into position. Hit your opponents with Wing Shurikens first to deal some damage and grab bonus health. Then, use your Psionic Crossbow to keep the pressure on and reduce your cooldowns. If you need to finish your enemies off or make a quick getaway, use Psi-Blade Dash.

Also Read:

If you want to use Psylocke’s Ultimate Move, Dance of the Butterfly, try to use it when enemies are grouped, focusing on fragile targets like healers and damage dealers. Try not to waste it on tanks, unless they’re already low on health.

How to Counter Psylocke

Several heroes excel at shutting down Psylocke’s aggressive playstyle. Here are 5 Marvel Rivals heroes that are best to use to counter Psylocke:

Mantis Marvel Rivals
• Can completely disrupt Psylocke’s plans with well-timed sleep abilities
• Natural Anger ability provides strong self-defense
Scarlet Witch Marvel Rivals
Scarlet Witch
• Auto-targeting primary fire can deal damage to Psylocke
• Dark Seal denies flank routes
The Punisher Marvel Rivals
The Punisher
• High close-range damage with shotgun
• Can melt Psylocke before she completes combos
Hawkeye Marvel Rivals
• One-shot potential from range
• Strong backline presence
Peni Parker Marvel Rivals
Peni Parker
• Stun nets stop flanking attempts
• Spider-Nest mines protect backline

To counter Psylocke effectively, try to keep your distance from teammates during her Ultimate and watch out for stealthy moves on your support heroes. Staying spread out helps reduce her damage. Also, using stuns together and making sure your healing is on point can stop her from getting those easy kills.

With some practice, Psylocke can be a real game-changer in Marvel Rivals. Focus on improving your aim with the Psionic Crossbow to keep those cooldowns low, and always have a way out before you jump into a fight. Good luck.

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