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Monster Hunter Wilds Focus Mode: How to Use the New Combat System

by Shida Aruya
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Monster Hunter games have always been known for their challenging combat system, especially when it comes to landing precise hits with slower weapons. The upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds is changing this with its new Focus Mode feature, making combat easier to do while keeping the depth that veteran hunter loves. So what is Monster Hunter Wilds Focus Mode and how to use the new combat system? Let’s find out in this guide.

What is Monster Hunter Wilds Focus Mode?

Focus Mode is a new targeting system that gives you better control over your attacks and defensive moves. By holding L2 (PlayStation) or LT (Xbox), you enter a special stance that highlights the monster’s weak points and wounds. A crosshair will appear in the center of your screen, showing exactly where your attacks and guards will land. Think of it as a precision tool that helps you hit exactly where you want to.

How Wounds and Weak Points Work

When you’re in Focus Mode, you’ll notice red highlights on certain parts of monsters. These markers show two important things:

  • Natural weak points that monsters have from the start.
  • Wounds that you create by repeatedly attacking the same spot.

The key to using Focus Mode effectively is paying attention to these highlighted areas. When you consistently hit the same spot, you’ll create wounds that make that area more vulnerable to damage. It’s like finding a crack in armor and making it bigger until it breaks.

So, let’s say you are hunting Rathalos. When you use Focus Mode, you will see red highlights on its head and tail, as they are Rathalos’ natural weak points. If you are looking to farm its claw, repeatedly hitting its wings can create wounds, making it easier to break that part and increasing the chances of obtaining the claw as a reward. And it’s going to be the same with other monsters. Maybe you are fighting the Chatacabra, its weak points are the tongue and legs area, so you will see red highlights there too.

What is Focus Strike and How to Use it?

Now, if you think that the new Focus Mode sounds awesome, you are in for a treat. The real game-changer is the Focus Strike ability. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Enter Focus Mode by holding L2/LT.
  2. Hold R1/RB while targeting a wound or weak point.
  3. Release to unleash a powerful Focus Strike.

Each weapon type has its own unique Focus Strike animation and effect. When you land a Focus Strike on a wound, you’ll not only deal massive damage but also stun the monster momentarily. This creates a perfect opportunity to unleash your most powerful combos without fear of interruption.

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Why Monster Hunter Wilds Focus Mode Changes Everything

Focus Mode is especially exciting for players who’ve been intimidated by weapons like the Great Sword in previous Monster Hunter games. These weapons traditionally required excellent timing and positioning, but Focus Mode makes them more approachable by:

  • Clearly showing where to aim by using the added crosshair.
  • Making it easier to hit specific body parts.
  • Creating more openings for big damage moves.

So, what we can recommend you is to use Focus Mode at the start of each hunt to find the monster’s weak spots. After you find the weak areas, aim your attacks at those spots to create wounds faster. Then, save your Focus Strikes for when multiple wounds are active to deal more damage. You can even use the stunning effect from Focus Strikes to set up powerful combo attacks.

The addition of Focus Mode shows that Capcom is thinking about both new and veteran players. It makes the game more accessible without removing the deep combat mechanics that fans love and enjoy. No matter if you are a seasoned hunter or just starting the series out, Focus Mode will be an essential part of your hunting toolkit when Monster Hunter Wilds releases.

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