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Monster Hunter Wilds: How to Heal, Increase HP and Craft Potions

by Shida Aruya
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Healing is one of the most important mechanics in Monster Hunter Wilds. Just like in any other Monster Hunter title, it’s essential to bring a supply of potions to restore health and increase your survivability while hunting. However, Wilds introduces a few changes to the mechanics. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about healing in Monster Hunter Wilds.

How to Heal in Monster Hunter Wilds

Knowing the basics of healing in Monster Hunter Wilds is essential. It’s all about keeping your health up to stay in the fight and avoid mission failures. The controls for healing in Monster Hunter Wilds are pretty simple once you understand them. Here’s how to heal in Monster Hunter Wilds:

On PlayStation 5

  1. Hold L1 to open your Item Pouch shortcuts.
  2. Use the Square or Circle button to cycle through items.
  3. Release L1 and press Square to use the selected healing item.

On Xbox

  1. Hold the Left Bumper for Item Pouch shortcuts.
  2. Use X or B to cycle through items.
  3. Release the Left Bumper and press X to use the item.


  1. Hold CTRL to open Item Pouch shortcuts.
  2. Use the Mouse Wheel or Left/Right to cycle items.
  3. Press E to use the selected item.

If you are a veteran hunter, you obviously won’t have a hard time healing yourself. However, you should know that there have been a few changes to the healing mechanics. Keep reading to find out what they are.

The New Healing Mechanics Explained

Monster Hunter Wilds has introduced a more strategic healing system compared to Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World. When you use a potion, you’ll notice it works in three 3 phases:

Instant HealYou get about 20% of the healing effect immediately upon drinking.
Slow RecoveryA gradual healing effect kicks in.
Final BurstThe healing speed dramatically increases in the last moment.

This is notably different from Rise’s system, where you got a more generous 40% instant heal followed by steady recovery. This change means you’ll need to be more careful about when and where you heal because apparently, you also need to finish the healing animation to heal completely. Look for these opportunities to heal safely:

  • When the monster is focusing on your companion.
  • After the monster performs a big attack with a long recovery.
  • When the monster moves to a different area.
  • During successful mount or knockdown phases.

Basically, you need to familiarize yourself not only with how to heal but also when to heal. Study the movements of the monsters carefully. They show specific signs and behaviors before executing particular attacks. Once you recognize these patterns, healing will become much easier. Your healing items are limited, so use them wisely:

Potions and Healing ItemsWhen to Use
MHW Potion
Regular Potions
Good for small scratches and when you can’t commit to a full Mega Potion animation.
MHW Mega Potion
Mega Potions
Your main healing tool, bring the maximum amount and materials to craft more.
MHW Lifepowder
Perfect for helping teammates in trouble.
MHW Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Quick consumption for when you need both healing and antidote effects.

How to Increase Your HP in Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter games, you can increase your HP to avoid being too squishy and easy to kill. Here are the ways you can take to boost your health pool in Monster Hunter Wilds:

  • Eat a Meal: Always visit the canteen before a hunt. The right meal can significantly increase your max HP.
  • Equip Proper Gear: Some armor pieces and skills can boost your maximum health or improve healing effects.
  • Stock Up: Always bring max Potions and Mega Potions, plus crafting materials for more.

How to Craft Potions in Monster Hunter Wilds

Of course, to heal yourself, you need to have potions on hand. Crafting these potions is not complicated, but you will need to grind and farm the necessary materials. To craft potions, follow these steps:

  1. Visit any Base Camp during your hunt.
  2. Select Crafting List from the menu.
  3. Choose the healing item you want to craft.
  4. If you have the required materials, select the quantity and confirm.

Here is the crafting list for healing items:

MHW Potion
• Herb x1
MHW Mega Potion
• Potion x1
• Honey x1
MHW Lifepowder
• Godbug Essence x1
• Blue Mushroom x1
MHW Herbal Powder
Herbal Powder
• Godbug Essence x1
• Herbal Medicine x1
MHW Immunizer
• Bitterbug Broth x1
• Mandragora x1
MHW Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine
• Antidote x1
• Blue Mushroom x1
Recover Ammo MHW
Recover Ammo
• Antidote x1
• Blue Mushroom x1

Remember to gather materials during your expeditions to maintain a healthy stock of crafting ingredients, especially honey. Honey is a must, all the time. The new healing system in Monster Hunter Wilds might seem more punishing at first, but it adds an exciting layer of strategy to the game.

Also Read:

So that’s how to heal in Monster Hunter Wilds. Learn all the ways and you’ll find yourself surviving longer and carting less. Patience during healing animations is often rewarded in this game, but don’t be afraid to cancel if a monster has other plans for you. Happy hunting!

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