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5 Best Android Apps to Send SMS From Computer

by Ankit
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You are doing some important on your computer, and suddenly you got a message on your Android phone. Now instead of stopping your work on your computer and picking up the phone; why not use an app to send and receive SMS from your computer? Save a lot of time in long run. Right?

So, here are some best Android apps to send and reply to SMS from your computer. These apps synchronize your Android phone with your PC, thus bringing all the mobile stuff on your PC.

Also Read: 5 Apps to Cast your Android Screen to Computer

MySms- Android Apps to Send SMS from Computer

Android Apps to Send SMS from Computer

1. Messages by Google LLC

Messages is a free SMS app developed by Google and is available on the playstore across all Android versions including OxygenOS used by OnePlus. The app comes as a replacement for your device’s native SMS app and seeks permission upon initiation.

The Messages app will give similar experience of a phone with almost every setting being the same. Only the controls change and you have a full keyboard to type. You need to have your phone nearby to be able to access everything simultaneously on your desktop. The web app will sync all your contacts as well so you can initiate new SMS as well. In fact, you also get the famous dark mode on your web app version.

Visit Messages by Google LLC

1. Textory

If you love free stuff, then Textory is a good SMS-from-computer app for you. As the name suggest, Textory (text + story) combines all the talks with your friend in the form of a story, and you get all the call, SMS, and email at one place like a paragraph of a story.

With Textory, you can make a call, send an SMS and add a reminder note to your contact. If you love to put your contacts in groups, then textory has a tag option. This simple app can send SMS to 100 people at a time from your PC.

Bottom Line: Testory is a simple SMS-from-Computer app for free stuff lovers.


Download Textory

2. MySMS

MySMS is another SMS-from-Computer Android app which offers free SMS to mySMS users. With MySMS you can schedule an SMS to your friend from another time-zone. In the free version you can send SMS from PC, but from the premium version, you can make a call, chose a theme, create a group, archive messages to Dropbox, Google Drive, and Evernote. MySMS charges $9.99/year for its premium services. However, you can go for a 14 days trial. And if you like it, loose your pocket otherwise don’t forget to cancel the recurring payment to mySMS from PayPal.

Bottom Line:  For those who love to schedule messages and love all their SMS at a single place online.


Download MySMS

3. Mighty Text

Mighty Text fits for those who love premium apps. This android app not only lets you send an SMS from your PC, but it also shows the notifications from your phone on your computer screen. You can customize Mighty text with awesome themes and views. It also has a large collection of quotes, funny gif, and videos that can be used to entertain friends and families.

You can easily monitor your battery, schedule messages (pro), push maps, web pages and photos to your phone. Mighty Text asks for $39.99 a Year or $3.33 a Month for pro, but you can get a one-year free subscription by referring your ten friends. Compare free vs. pro features of MightText here.

Bottom Line:  A premium customizable SMS-from-Computer app with tons of useful feature.

MightyText- MySms- Android Apps to Send SMS from Computer

Download Mighty Text


4. PushBullet


PushBullet is the fantastic SMS-from-Computer app with a great UI. Although it’s popular for sending and receiving files and getting notification from your smartphone to the computer; Pushbullet also lets you reply to your text from the browser.

Texting with PushBullet is easy, simply punch in the recipient and the text, and it will be received on the other side with a single click. PushBullet also pushes text to your Gmail contacts; if you connect your Gmail account. Also, you can send links, files up to 25MB per file in the free version and 1GB per file in paid one. Push Bullet also provide end-to-end encryption. Push Bullet charge $4.99/mo and $39.99/Year.

Bottom Line:  PushBullet works like a charm and comes with tons of features, even in the free version. Though, if you text a lot, you might have to opt for the premium subscription.

Also Read: PushBullet v/s Join- Which one is better?

Push Bullet

Download PushBullet

5. Airdroid

Airdroid is our favorite app. If you are a computer geek who sticks to his computer for day and night, then Airdroid is just for you. Addressing Airdroid an SMS-from-Computer app will be wrong. Instead, it looks at a bigger picture. You can say, it lets you remotely control your Android smartphone for your computer. Sending and receiving SMS is just one part of it. But, even for that, the app is worth using.

With Airdroid web client, you can control almost everything on your phone such as camera, call logs, contacts, gallery, music, videos, remove apps or download. You can even ring your cell phone in case you misplaced it somewhere. Also, unlike Pushbullet, there is no transfer limit on the files if your phone and the computer is connected to same wifi network.

But if you want to control your phone from a remote location, then you need to loose your pocket. Airdroid charges $19.99/year, or you can opt for one month plan for $1.99 only. With premium plan Airdroid can snap photos of those who try to unlock your phone, can transfer a complete folder at a time and whole new features.

Bottom Line: Airdroid, a complete remote control app for your phone which can also send SMS from PC.

Download Airdroid

Bringing Up all SMS-from-Computer Apps Together

Textory MySMS MightyText PushBullet Airdroid
SMS From PC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Functionality Basic Messaging from PC, make call, notification on Pc SMS, Call, Schedule SMS, Archive to Webportals SMS, Schedule SMS, Share Photos/videos, Customize Skin, Send fancy SMS SMS, Chat at one place, Feeds from online Providers Complete Phone Remote Control
Cost Free $9.99/Year $39.99/Year, $3.33/Month $39.99/Year, $4.99/Month $19.99/year, $1.99/Month

Wrapping Up

Personally, Airdroid is pretty good with almost every feature for free; you need to. Or if you want more flexibility and cross-platform support, Pushbullet is also a good option.

So these were some Android apps to send and reply to text from your computer. Did we miss something? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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