Since you are reading this, I am guessing you are searching for premium theme for your WordPress blog. And if you landed here from Google than, swift theme has certainly caught your attention. Right ? So without beating around the bush, let just talk about swift theme.
Swift Video Review
So, I have been using swift premium theme for around 1 year and before that I was using swift free version. So what change my mind to upgrade from free to premium version of swift. And why I choose swift over popular framework like genesis or other premium WordPress theme? Lets find out
This article assumes that you are looking for premium theme for your blog and using WordPress as your CMS. Everything said in this article, is based on my 2 years personal experience with swift theme and do not represent others opinion in general.
Why choose Wordpress Premium theme ?
There are many reason to choose premium theme, like better support, more features, more customization option etc but I will give you the biggest reason-Google. As you may have heard, search engine like Google, can recognize whether you using free theme or premium theme. This may sound debatable but from my personal experience, I believe it to be true.
Think of it, in this way- if Google finds out, that your website is using premium theme than it is obvious that your website is more professional than those who are using free themes. This further means that your content is supposable better than the rest, thus Google will rank your blog higher and it will get more traffic.
Proof: See the screenshot below, the day I updated to premium theme the traffic on my blog increase by 30%.
Why choose Swift premium theme ?
Now that we know that premium themes are better, the question is which premium theme to choose.
As there are already many good premium themes, it is difficult to choose the best one for your type of blog. The key features that help me to choose Swift premium theme are:
Responsive template: In 2015, around 50% of website’s traffic source will be from mobile devices. Therefore if you are buying a WordPress theme now, it is very important that it should be responsive.
And as you know, swift is a responsive WordPress theme, which mean it change it’s layout depending on the device in which it is viewed.
Speed: Not only Google consider page loading speed in SERP ranking but even your visitors wants the page to load fast. Right! Therefore before buying a theme, do some speed test on the website that already running that theme.
Theoretically Swift premium theme claims 90+ speed, however last time I checked, RTT got 80+ speed on desktop and 75+ on mobile, without making any changes, and I am satisfied with my current speed.
Adsense Ready: Although you can use WordPress plugins to insert Adsense code on your blog, however having adsense ready theme like swift make it much easier. Especially when you have to put adsense code places like header, footer, sidebar etc which is difficult to do this otherwise.
Customization : Even though swift sales pitch is its- 90+ speed, I choose it for it’s ease of customization. Every single part of swift theme is highly customizable, for instance you can you can change the font, color, background, alignment, layout of any part of the website.
Build in features Swift has features like custom slider, social media integration, different layout and color scheme, custom slider, ad management, sticky elements, related post etc etc. I can go on and on with the list but I think you get the point here. If you like feature rich template than, swift got your back.
Pricing: Now here is a catch. Most premium themes are around 100$ but if you look closely, they only offer regular license and not developer license for that price. This means you can not use their theme, on any other website.
However with swift you can get developer license for this price range ie you can use swift theme for infinite no. of websites whether if it belongs to you or your client.
Support: When you buy swift theme, you get access to support forum, where you can ask any question related to Swift theme and you will get it solved in no time.
Personally I have contacted the developer and posted question on support forums many times and was never unsatisfied with replies.
Child theme: Like genesis and thesis framework, swift also supports child theme. However, apparently there is only 1 child theme.
When not to buy swift ?
Yes, swift is not for all. I found swift theme perfect for niche bloggers, content marketers and small business owners. However, if your blog is about blogging tips like problogger then genesis frameworks is better choice over swift.
Similarly if your blog receive insane traffic, than you are better off with thesis framework or custom theme, where you can hire a developer to customize every bit of your website as per your need. But for mediocre sites swift is a better option.
If you need fast, responsive, highly customizable and most importantly a premium theme that worth every penny than go for swift. I can proudly recommend swift as I am using it myself.
Swift Discount coupons
If you are looking forward to buy it then you can use coupon code RTT35OFF to get 35% off on any swift license purchase.
Full disclosure : Like any other WordPress theme, Swift theme offers an affiliate program and if you buy through my code than I would get some commission from the sale.