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Take Professional Product Photos With Your Smartphone

by Mrinal Saha
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While shopping online, have you ever noticed that most product’s pictures are in white background?

This white background not only makes the image look more professional but also helps to bring the focus to the actual product. So next time you sell something on eBay or olx, make sure you use this technique. Video

Take professinal photos with smartphones camera

And guess what, you do not need an expensive camera or studio equipment to take professional pictures. All you need is a smartphone with a decent camera, a few sheets of A4 size paper and an online image editor. So let’s see how to do this.

Take Professional Product Photos

Step 1

Pick a spot at your home that has uniform light. Then place a few white sheets of paper inclined to the wall and the surface such that it acts as a backdrop. See the image below.

backdrop with white sheets of paper

Step 2

Next, place the object in the center of the white sheets and click a few close-up pictures using your smartphone. Once done, send these pictures to your computer.

Steps 3

To fine tune the object, we need to edit it. So head over to sumopaint– an online image editor and import the image from the computer.

import picture in sumopaint 1

Step 4

Now go to adjustment menu, select brightness and contrast and increase the contrast till you see white background around the product.

import picture's contrast in sumopaint

Step 5

To remove the background from the edges use the eraser tool and then save the image to your computer.


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