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Top 6 Useful DOS Commands That You Should Know

by Mrinal Saha
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There are unlimited possibilities to cmd can be used, but to keep things simple in this post we will focus on six useful dos commands which I believe every one of us should know about.

1. Systeminfo

As the name suggests this command gives you everything you need to know about the system. If you are working on a new computer, then this command will tell you everything about it from its ram, processor, current O.s, computer name and much more.

Open the command prompt and type the following command and then hit enter.

system info

2. Ipconfig

This is the most used network command. This command is used to find the important system information like Ip address, default gateway and Mac address of your computers.

How to find mac address

Open cmd and type the following command and then look for wireless Lan adapter and look for the physical address.

ipconfig /all

3. Tasklist and Tasklist

This command is similar to task manager; it displays a complete list of all the process.

How to use this command

Open the command prompt and type the following command and you will get the complete list of task that is running on your system.


With task kill command, you can kill the process directly.

There are two ways of doing that; I will show you how to do it with the image name.

How to kill task using task kill command in cmd

Open the command prompt and type the following command to close the notepad window.

taskkill /im notepad.exe

4. Ping and tracert

With ping command, you can find the IP address of any website and even test your internet speed.

For more on ping visit my post how to test your internet speed using ping. Tracert shows the complete path from information takes from your computer to specify the website. The most useful command to find out where the website is unreachable and where it is then at which point the connection fails.

Open the command prompt and type

tracert techwiser.com

5. Tree

This command shows the hierarchical representation of the files on your drives.

How to use this command?

Navigate to the directory and type tree.

Open the command prompt. And navigate to the desired directory using cd command and type tree and hit enter.


6. Shutdown

This one is my favorite Command. If you are watching a movie, remotely listening to the song. Using this command, you can set the timer to set your computer to self-restart or shutdown

How to set timer shutdown using cmd

To shut down after 1 hour

shutdown -s -t 3600

To restart after 1 hour

shutdown -r -t 3600

These are few DOS commands that I most useful, which one is your favorite from this, or do you like some other commands that were not mentioned in this post. Shout out your thought in the comments. I would love to hear your response.

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