Have you starred any messages on WhatsApp? So that you can look back at them or share them later, but are unable to find them on time. Or maybe you are wondering where are my Starred Messages on WhatsApp web and mobile. Let’s put these problems to an end. Today in this post, we will be sharing with you how to find, forward, and locate starred messages on WhatsApp mobile and web apps.
Table of Contents
Find WhatsApp Starred Messages (iOS)
There are two ways to find starred messages on WhatsApp on iOS. Let’s take a look at both ways.
Finding All Starred Messages
WhatsApp keeps all your starred messages in one place. Here are the steps to find all your Starred Messages of WhatsApp on iOS.
1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the Settings tab near the bottom right corner of the screen.
3. Now tap on Starred Messages to view all of your starred messages.
Your WhatsApp starred messages should look like this.
Finding Starred Messages From a Person’s Chat
If your Starred Messages list is all big and piled up, WhatsApp also allows you to find starred messages from individual chats too. Let’s take a look at the steps to do so.
1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the person’s chat in which you want to find starred messages.
3. Tap on the person’s name.
4. Now tap on Starred Messages.
All the starred messages from the chat will now open in front of you.
Tip: 8 Ways to Fix Whatsapp Status Not Showing.
Find WhatsApp Starred Messages (Android)
On Android, there are two ways to find starred messages on WhatsApp. Let’s learn both ways.
Finding All Starred Messages
All your starred messages are stored in one place on WhatsApp. Let’s take a look at how to find and locate them on your Android smartphone.
1. Open WhatsApp on your Android smartphone.
2. Tap on the kebab menu (three dots).
3. Now tap on Starred messages to view all of your starred messages of WhatsApp.
You will find all of your starred messages in one place like this.
Finding Starred Messages From a Person’s Chat
You can also find the starred message from a specific chat instead of searching from the long list of all starred messages. Here are the steps to find starred messages from a specific person’s chat on Android.
1. Open WhatsApp on your Android smartphone.
2. Tap on the person’s chat in which you want to find your starred messages.
3. Now tap on the person’s name.
4. Scroll and tap on Starred messages.
You can now find all of your starred messages from the chat of that person in one place.
Also Read: How to Unmute Chats, Status, and Calls on WhatsApp.
Find WhatsApp Starred Messages (Web)
Just like iOS and Android, there are two ways to find starred messages on the web version of WhatsApp. Let’s take a look at both methods.
Finding All Starred Messages
If you want to find and locate all of your starred messages on WhatsApp web, here are the steps to do so.
1. Open web.whatsapp.com in your choice of browser and log in to your WhatsApp account.
2. Click on the kebab menu (three dots icon).
3. Now click on the Starred messages from the drop-down menu.
Now you can view all of your starred messages in one place on the WhatsApp web.
Finding Starred Messages From a Person’s Chat
You can also find starred messages from the chat of a particular person on WhatsApp web. Let’s take a look at the steps to do so.
1. Open web.whatsapp.com in your choice of browser and log in to your WhatsApp account.
2. Click on the person’s chat in which you want to find the starred message.
3. Now click on the person’s name to open the contact details.
4. On the contact info page, click on Starred messages.
And the list of all the starred messages from the chat of the person will appear in front of you.
Also Read: How to Invite Someone to Whatsapp Community on iOS and Android.
Forward a Starred Message
WhatsApp allows you to share and forward starred messages on both platforms i.e, iOS and Android. Let’s learn how to do so.
Note: Whether it’s a starred message or a normal message, WhatsApp limits forwarding a message to a max of 5 contacts at a time on all of its platforms (iOS, Android, and web). This was done to reduce spam.
Forward a Starred Message on iOS
Let’s take a look at the steps of how to forward a starred message on WhatsApp on iOS.
1. Navigate to the Starred messages on your iPhone by following either of the above-mentioned steps.
Note: If the starred message is just a text (not a media or a link), you might need to long-press and select it to show the forward option.
2. Tap on the forward button next to the starred message you want to forward.
3. Tap on the circle to select a contact and then tap on Forward.
Forward a Starred Message on Android
Let’s take at how to forward a starred message on WhatsApp on Android.
1. Navigate to the Starred messages on your Android smartphone by following either of the two above-mentioned steps.
Note: If the starred message is just a text (not a media or a link), you might need to long-press and select it to show the forward option.
2. Tap on the forward button next to the starred message you want to forward.
3. On the next screen tap and select the contact and then press the send button near the bottom right corner of the screen. And now the starred message will be forwarded to the selected contact.
Forward a Starred Message on WhatsApp Web
Let’s learn how to forward a starred message on WhatsApp on the web.
1. Navigate to the Starred messages on the WhatsApp web by following the above-mentioned steps.
2. Place your mouse over the starred message you want to forward and click on the down arrow.
3. Now click on Forward message from the drop-down menu.
4. A small pop-up window will open, select the contact to whom you want to forward the message and then click on the send button. And the starred message will be forwarded to the selected contact.
Locate a Starred Message in the Chat
On WhatsApp, you can also locate a starred message in the chat itself. Let’s take a look at how to locate a starred message on WhatsApp on iOS, Android, and on the web.
Locate a Starred Message on iOS
Here are the steps to locate a starred message in the chat on WhatsApp on iOS.
1. Open the Starred messages on your iPhone by following the steps mentioned above.
2. Now tap on the small arrow next to the starred message to locate and show the message in the original chat.
And now the starred message will open in the chat on the next screen highlighted in grey color.
Locate a Starred Message on Android
Let’s take a look at the steps to locate a starred message in the chat on WhatsApp on Android.
1. Open the Starred messages on your Android smartphone by following either of the steps mentioned above.
2. Tap on the starred message or the arrow next to the date.
The message will now be highlighted and located in the chat.
Locate a Starred Message on WhatsApp Web
Here are the steps to locate a starred message in the chat on WhatsApp on the web.
1. Open the Starred messages on your WhatsApp web by following the steps mentioned above.
2. Click on the starred message or the arrow next to the time.
And now the starred message will open and it will be highlighted in the original chat.
1. If I star a message and it is deleted for everyone by the other person, will I still be able to find it under the starred messages?
No. If the other person or you are using “delete for everyone” option, you won’t be able to find that starred message in the starred messages list.
2. If I star a “disappearing message”, will it be available later in my starred messages list?
Yes and no. It will be available in your starred messages list until the end of the time you’ve set in the timer for disappearing messages of that chat. Once the timer for the disappearing messages ends, they will disappear from the starred messages list and won’t be available.
3. Can I star a view-once photo/video?
No. WhatsApp doesn’t allow you to star a view-once photo/video.
4. If I star a message, will the other person get a notification?
No. WhatsApp doesn’t notify the other party when you star a message in their chat.
5. Can the person on the other end of the chat see/view my starred messages from their chat?
No. You and only you can view your starred messages. It isn’t accessible to the person on the other end of the chat.
Never Lose Track of Your Starred Messages
Now no more endless scrolling to find that one important starred message from a chat. By following the above-mentioned steps whether you are on iPhone, Android, or on the web, you will be able to find your starred messages in no time. Go ahead and enjoy the power of being organized in WhatsApp at your fingertips. I hope this article was helpful to you in finding your starred messages and saved you from the hassle meanwhile.
Did you know that you can now message yourself? Messaging yourself on WhatsApp can be handy and useful for a number of reasons.