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6 Best Android and iOS Apps for Writers

by Gaurav Bidasaria
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Writing is my bread and butter. I live on it, thrive on it. A lot of people have discovered the joy of blogging and its ability to make money by sharing one’s personal experience and expertise. Whether you are a foodie, traveler, tech or auto enthusiast, there is a niche for you to exploit. Starting out is easy, less expensive, and allows a way for everyday Joe/Jane to follow their passion. Add smartphone apps for writers and you are looking at a remote setup.

While most writers prefer the laptop lifestyle where they can be seen huddled in a corner, doing a brain dump, mobile apps can save the day anytime. They are particularly useful when you can’t even access your laptop, let alone desktop. Reasons can be traveling, you forgot to carry laptop, it broke or is stolen or not working, editor wants something done urgently, and so on.

Writing apps are most useful when you want to act on inspiration and want to jot down that new idea you just had. Intrigued?

Let’s begin.

Also Read: How Do I Write My Signature on a Word Document?

Apps for Writers

1. Google Docs (Free, Light Word Processor)

I like Google Google Docs because it takes a web-first approach, is completely free, and offers just enough features. It is not as feature rich as Microsoft Word or some other apps we will explore below, but gets the job done. The fact that it integrates nicely with other Drive apps is an icing on the cake.

collaborate on google docs

Google Docs is also excellent for collaborating on a single document at the same time. Just send an email invite and you are done. All work is saved in real time. It works offline so you don’t even need an active Internet connection to write your next piece. What’s more? You can edit Word files too. Cool.


  • Offline
  • Collaborate
  • Cross-platform
  • Always free
  • Drive integration
  • Templates


  • Not feature rich
  • Less formatting options comparatively

Download Google Docs: Android | iOS

2. Microsoft Word (Advanced Word Processor)

Most of us grew up using Microsoft Word in some form or another. It is probably the most used word processor and for all the right reasons. It comes with a lot of formatting options, works offline, and integrates with other Office 365 apps. It is not free like Google Docs but still worth it.

microsoft word layout

On the other hand, it has too many features, half of which you will never use. You can collaborate with others and there are plenty of templates to use. Arguably, the newly redesigned Word is less cluttered and takes a more minimal approach. Word is for you if you are already using it or are deep into the Microsoft or Office ecosystem.


  • Offline
  • Collaborate
  • Cross-platform
  • Office 365 integration
  • Templates
  • Edit files from email
  • Annotation tools


  • UI can be overwhelmming

Download Android | iOS

Also Read: Best Writing Software for Novelists and Writers

3. WordPress (For Bloggers)

WordPress was designed from the ground up to be a blogger’s heaven. TechWiser runs on WordPress and so does millions of other popular blogs. If you are looking to start your own blog, you can’t go wrong with WordPress. This app for writers is free, open-source, and comes with thousands of themes to play around with.

wordpress for bloggers

Then there are the plugins that allows users to add features like shopping cart, accept payments, add a forum, live chat, and so much more. WordPress is very flexible and if there is a feature in your mind, chances are you can add it to WordPress. Best writing app for bloggers. Period.

Note that the mobile version is a little limited and less flexible, but still a great way to write that article.


  • Offline
  • Cross-platform
  • Templates
  • Plugins
  • Very flexible
  • Web traffic stats, analysis, data
  • Notifications for likes, comments,
  • Reply to comments
  • Writer community


  • Can’t collaborate on same article
  • Themes and plugins can be expensive

Download WordPress: Android | iOS

4. INKredible (For Handwriting)

If you are the creative type who is looking for a handwriting tool or someplace to practice calligraphy, INKredible is the app for you. I would recommend it to iPad and Android tablet users. That’s because it would require a bigger screen to write with your finger or pen. It comes with palm and wrist detection, so you don’t have to worry about false inputs.

handwriting app for writers

Nice, huh? This app is not suitable for article writers, but if you are someone who doodles while writing or need to draw or sketch your next comic book story line, INKredible is pretty incredible.


  • Handwriting
  • Cloud storage
  • Cross-platform
  • Diverse font types, colors,
  • Can doodle or sketch


  • No ideal for collaboration

Download INKredible: Android | iOS

5. Grammarly (Grammar Keyboard)

If you are writing for a professional blog or publisher, you will need to up your game. There is no room for grammatical or punctuation errors. Ask any writer and he/she will tell you that sometimes, letters do slip through the cracks. This is where Grammarly comes in. It’s a keyboard that will help you write faster and better.

grammarly settings

Grammarly was launched as a browser extension to help writers spot mistakes before submitting their piece. They recently launched their keyboard apps for Android and iOS. It will check your sentences for grammar, context, vocabulary, and spelling mistakes on the fly. Your very own proofreader.

What I like about this app is that it will not only correct your mistakes, but also offer an explanation. That will help you learn which can be pretty fun.


  • Check spelling
  • Check grammar
  • Check vocabulary
  • Check context


  • Can’t replace a writing app but compliments it

Download Grammarly: Android | iOS

6. Ulysses or JotterPad (Markdown)

Ulysses is only available for Apple users while JotterPad is for Android. These are two amazing apps for writers support markdown language. Writers are increasingly turning to markdown for writing articles, novels, and more. Both the apps offer a distraction free writing environment with support for rich text.

markdown writing apps

Not only that, you can also export your work or writings into a number of popular formats like PDF, Doc, HTML, and so on. There is support for a variety of cloud storage sites too. Saving and collaborating made easy. Ulysses directly integrates with Medium and WordPress which makes it even more awesome.


  • Supports markdown
  • Integrates with 3rd party apps
  • Cloud storage
  • Exporting options and formats
  • Collaboration
  • Ease of use


  • None

Download Ulysses/JotterPad: Android | iOS

Apps for Writers

These are some of the best writing apps for smartphones. There might be others too but these pretty much cover all the major categories. There are writing apps for bloggers, handwriting lovers, markdown experts, and collaborating with other writers. There is also an app for improving your grammar. If you are using another writing app which you think should have made the list, do share with us in the list below.

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