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A Quick Way to Upload Pictures on the Web

by Mrinal Saha
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Let say you want to upload pictures to Facebook, from the web. So the traditional way to do that is, first download the images on the computer and then upload it. Right? But if you are Chrome user, then there is a quicker way to do that.

Follow the steps:

1. Copy the image’s URL that you want to upload

2. Now go to the website where you want to upload it. It can be anything like Facebook, Evernote or even email attachment

3. Select Add photos from computer option

4. Windows explorer will pop open, asking you to choose the image from your computer. Under the file name, paste the URL of the image and click open.

Upload pictures without downloading it on your computer

And that’s it. Within seconds, your computer will upload the image from the browser’s cache. If the image is not present in the chrome’s storage, then windows will automatically download and upload it.

This method is quick and you don’t have to manually delete the images once your are done using them. Following video (starts at 0.28 ) show the steps in detail.

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