A calendar isn’t just a tool to schedule your reminders and events. You can use it to share a specific event or a specific calendar event with others so that everyone can be on time. In short, sharing events is something like adding an event on someone else’s calendar. There are multiple ways to share Google Calendar and each has its use case.
Share Google Calendar
You can share an event or the calendar itself. Google also allows you to create multiple calendars making it easy to keep personal, professional, and public events separate. These events and calendars in Google Calendar can further be controlled using permissions.
Let’s explore all the sharing options available in Google Calendar.
Share Specific Event With Someone in Google Calendar
Sharing a specific event is as straightforward as it can get. This can be useful when you have a team meeting and everyone’s invited to join or are working on a project and want to share important events related to it.
1. You can start by creating an event like you normally do. Just click on the date that you want to create an event or click on Create button at the top left corner.

2. In the pop-up that appeared, give a name, description, and other details along with the time of the event.
3. Now in the Add guest option, enter the email address of the people you want to share the event with. You can add multiple email addresses too.

4. Once done, click on Guest permissions to permit or reject permissions like modifying event, ability to invite others, see the guest list, etc.

5. Now click on the Save button to save the event.

6. This will open a pop-up window asking to send an email invitation. You can choose to Send or Don’t send. In any case, you will be creating an event that you and your team members can see.

7. If you want to share an existing event, just click on the event and then select Edit option to start adding the guests.
Share Calendar With Someone on Google Calendar
Sharing a calendar doesn’t mean sharing everything on your Google Calendar. You can create multiple calendars in Google Calendar and choose to share different calendars with different users.
1. You can do that by clicking on the + icon beside the Other calendars option in the sidebar and then selecting Create new calendar option.

2. Give the calendar a name, description and click on Create calendar.

3. Now when you share that calendar, you are only sharing events that are created on that particular calendar and all the calendars you may have under your account.
4. Sharing a calendar like this will be helpful when you have to regularly create events for your team. So you don’t need to add everyone to all the events again and again. Just create an event on the shared calendar and everyone you added to the calendar can view it.
5. To share a calendar, hover on the calendar that you want to share and then click on the three-dot menu.

6. Now select the Settings and sharing option in the pop-up menu.

7. Here scroll down to Share with specific people section and click on Add people button.

8. Enter the email id of the people that you want to share the calendar with. You can share with multiple people by adding multiple email ids.

9. Click on the See all event details drop-down menu beside the name to manage permissions that others have.

10. Now you can go back to the calendar and start creating the events just like you normally do and click on the Calendar option to select the shared calendar.

11. You can also color code calendars helping you identify it quickly in the sidebar or drop-down menus.

Share Specific Event with Public in Google Calendar
Not all events have a set number of people to add. So if you want to share an event with all your social media followers or YouTube subscribers, just make the event public. So everyone who wants to join the event can directly join by themself.
1. To make an event public, start by creating the event just like you normally do. Click on the date that you want to create/host an event on or click on the Create button at the top left corner.

2. Complete all the other details like name, time, description, etc.

3. Here you can find the calendar option, click on it.

4. In the drop-down menu, click on Default visibility that has a lock icon beside it.

5. Then select the Public option in the drop-down menu and click on Save to save the event.

6. Once done, click on the event and then select three-dot menu in the event pop-up.

7. Then select Publish event option in the pop-up menu.

8. Copy the link under the event link and share it with everyone. Anyone can click on that link to add the event to their calendar now.

9. Anyone who clicks on that link will be greeted with the event page that contains details and an option to add to their own Google Calendar.

Also Read: 3 Best Ways to Add Zoom Meetings to Google Calendar Quickly
Share Calendar with Public on Google Calendar
If you create events and make them public regularly then it is better to create a public calendar rather than public events. It has few obvious benefits like you don’t need to make the event public every time manually and people won’t have to join your events every time. Once they have subscribed to the public calendar, all the events that you create will automatically get added to their calendar without needing to add each event every time.
1. To make the calendar public, create a calendar if you haven’t already.

2. Now hover on the calendar that you want to share publicly, click on the three-dot menu, and select Settings and sharing.

3. Here scroll down to the Access permissions section and enable the toggle beside Make available to public option.

4. Then click on OK in the pop-up to confirm sharing the entire calendar publicly. Remember, once done all the events in that calendar will be visible to anyone with a Google Calendar or Gmail account.

5. Here click on Get sharable link button to share the calendar with anyone.

6. Now copy the link and post on social media sites, your website, messaging apps, or anywhere you want.
Share Calendar with Family on Google Calendar
Another Google Calendar sharing option that you may not know about is a family calendar. Everything added to this calendar will be added and visible to all your family members. To do that, you need to add your family members to Google. Some other advantages of doing this include sharing your YouTube Premium Family membership with them, share Google Keep notes with them, Family link, Google Play Pass, Nest Home, Google One Family plan, YouTube TV, Stadia, etc.
1. To add your family members, open families.google.com/families and click on Get Started. Then click on create family group button on the next page.

2. Now just select the email ID of your family members and click on Send. You can only add up to 5 family members and that number doesn’t include you.

3. Once done, your family members will receive an email to confirm your invitation by clicking on Accept Invitation button
4. That’s it, now open Google calendar where you can see a new calendar called Family. Just create an event in that calendar to share events with all your family members.

Export/Import Calendar Events From One Google Account to Another
If you have created a new Google account or want to share any of your existing calendars with another Google account, there is an option to import/export it. The benefit of doing so is that you won’t have to add all the events to the new calendar manually. Note that events you add to the new Google account calendar won’t appear in the old Google account calendar and vice versa. These two Google account calendars are separate and not in sync.
1. To export the calendar, click on the Gear icon at the top right corner and then select the Settings option in the pop-up menu.

2. Now select Import & export option in the left sidebar and then click on the Export button to save the file as an .ical file.

3. Now open the account that you want to import the calendar to, click on the Gear icon > Settings > Import & Export just like before. Here click on Select file from your computer option to upload the exported .ical file.

4. Now, select the calendar that you want to add all imported data to and click on the Import button.

That’s it. All your events will be added to the calendar you just selected.
Wrap Up: How to Share Google Calendar
As shown above, Google Calendar provides a lot of ways to share events and calendars with one user or a group of users or just make it public. You also have the option to share with your family members exclusively along with importing and exporting options for your own need.
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- 7 Best Google Calendar Add-Ons to Manage Time Better
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