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Deadlock: How to Play Abrams, Best Build and Strategies

by Shida Aruya
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Looking to take control of matches with Abrams in Deadlock? We can help you. As one of the most versatile tanks in the game, Abrams is great at both starting fights and staying alive in long battles. In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to play Abrams effectively, including his best build and strategy.

Abrams Best Build in Deadlock

How to Play Abrams in Deadlock: Core Abilities and Leveling Order

Abrams’ ability kit focuses on sustainability and crowd control:

Abrams Siphon Life
Siphon Life
This ability heals you by taking health from nearby enemies.

• Base: 35 DPS, 75% heal vs heroes, 45% heal vs non-heroes.
• AP 1: -19s Cooldown.
• AP 2:
+2s Duration.
• AP 5:
+40 Damage Per Second.
Abrams Shoulder Charge
Shoulder Charge
It lets you charge forward, pulling enemies with you and disrupting their formation. If you slam them into a wall, they get stunned.

• Base: 40 base damage and 0.85s stun duration.
• AP 1:
-19s Cooldown.
• AP 2:
+0.5s Duration.
• AP 5: +5.5 Weapon Damage for 8s after colliding with an enemy.
Abrams Infernal Resilience
Infernal Resilience
A passive ability that restores some of the damage you take over time, making you harder to kill even without items.

• Base:
12% damage regenerated, 20s duration, 1 extra health regeneration.
• AP 1:
+1.5 health regeneration.
• AP 2:
+150 health.
• AP 5:
+5.5% damage regenerated.
Abrams Seismic Impact
Seismic Impact (Ultimate)
The ultimate ability that lets you leap into the air and slam down on enemies, dealing damage and stunning them.

• Base: 150 damage, 1s stun duration, and 9m radius.
• AP 1: -38s cooldown.
• AP 2: +100 Max HP and 15% Fire Rate per hero hit. Lasts for 25s.
• AP 5: On cast, become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Expires 3s after landing.

For Abram’s optimal performance in the game, follow this ability progression:

  1. Start with Infernal Resilience at level 1 for early sustain.
  2. Take Shoulder Charge at level 2 for mobility.
  3. Get Siphon Life at level 3.
  4. Unlock Seismic Impact at level 4.

Early Game Items for Abrams (0-15 Minutes)

In the early game, focus on survival and controlling your lane. Get items that give lifesteal and defense to stay in fights and trade well. Remember to prioritize Melee Lifesteal and Close Quarters first, as they form the core of your early-game trading potential.

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Melee Lifesteal
Melee Lifesteal
500Grants lifesteal on melee attacks for lane sustain.
Deadlock Close Quarters
Close Quarters
500Increases damage at close range, ideal for Abrams
Deadlock Sprint Boost
Sprint Boots
500Boosts movement speed for better positioning
Deadlock Extra Stamina
Extra Stamina
500Increases stamina pool for more ability usage
Deadlock Spirit Strike
Spirit Strike
500Enhances spirit damage output
Deadlock Melee Charge
Melee Charge
1,250Improves charge attacks and mobility

Mid-Game Items for Abrams (15-25 Minutes)

In the mid-game around 15 to 25 minutes, Abrams will become a real threat to enemies. You will already be having more Souls, so start buying more defensive items, then build damage to dominate team fights. Here are the items you should purchase at the Curiosity Shop:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Hunter's Aura
Hunter’s Aura
3,000Creates an aura that boosts damage output
Deadlock Point Blank
Point Blank
3,500Significantly increases close-range damage
Deadlock Improved Bullet Armor
Improved Bullet Armor
4,250Enhanced protection against bullet damage
Deadlock Improved Spirit Armor
Improved Spirit Armor
4,250Upgraded spirit damage resistance
Deadlock Superior Stamina
Superior Stamina
3,500Further increases stamina pool and regeneration
Deadlock Bullet Resist Shredder
Bullet Resist Shredder
1,250Reduces enemy bullet resistance
Deadlock Duration Extender
Duration Extender
1,250Prolongs the effect of your abilities

Late-Game Items for Abrams (25+ Minutes)

Late-game items help you stay strong against enemy carries after spending more than 25 minutes in the game. They give powerful abilities and big stat boosts, letting you survive longer:

Item NameCost (Souls)Description
Deadlock Vampiric Burst
Vampiric Burst
6,200Increases lifesteal, fire rate, and weapon damage by 25%
Deadlock Colossus
6,200Allows you to blink at enemies and silence them
Deadlock Leech
6,300Enhances all lifesteal effects
Deadlock Phantom Strike
Phantom Strike
6,200Allows you to silence enemies
Deadlock Diviner's Kevlar
Diviner’s Kevlar
4,250Provides additional armor and spirit resistance
Deadlock Superior Cooldown
Superior Cooldown
4,250Reduces all ability cooldowns

Situational Items for Abrams

Situational items help you adapt to different game scenarios. Choose them based on enemy threats, like crowd control, high sustain, or mobility needs. Also, if you have extra Souls in your pocket. Don’t stick to a fixed build, you can adjust as needed.

Item NameCostDescription
Deadlock Warp Stone
Warp Stone
3,000Provides emergency mobility and temporary bullet resistance
Deadlock Healbane
1,250Reduces enemy healing and provides healing on kill
Deadlock Debuff Remover
Debuff Remover
4,250Cleanses negative effects and provides debuff resistance
Deadlock Curse
6,200Prevents enemy item usage
Deadlock Refresher
6,200Resets all ability cooldowns, allows for double ultimates

Also Read:

Strategies to Play Abrams in Deadlock

To play Abrams effectively, here are the tips and strategies you want to follow:

  • Start fights with Shoulder Charge when your team is ready.
  • Use Seismic Impact to disrupt enemies, not to escape.
  • Time Siphon Life when enemies have used their abilities for better healing.
  • Stun multiple enemies by knocking them into walls.

Adjust Abram’s build based on the enemy team and what your allies need. Practice these combos in a few matches, and you’ll soon control team fights and create space for your carries. Good luck, and make sure your enemies get scared of Abrams charging at them.

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