One of the new features that WhatsApp recently dropped is Communities. A Community can have multiple groups in itself, and you can send a message to all community members instantly without even switching groups. In a Community you can add new groups as well as existing groups, all you need to do is create a Community first. If you’ve created a Community and want to invite someone, then here is a quick little guide to doing so.
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Inviting to a WhatsApp Community on iOS
The newly launched WhatsApp Community is now available on iOS as well as Android, let’s take a look at how to invite someone to your Community on iOS.
1. Navigate to WhatsApp on your iPhone and tap to open it.
2. Tap on the Communities tab near the bottom side of the screen.
3. Tap on the Community to which you want to invite someone.
4. Once the community opens, tap on View Members to further open the options for that community.
5. Now tap on Invite to Community via Link.
6. A new page with an invite link will now open up. Tap on Send Link via WhatsApp.
Pro Tip: You can also tap on Share Link or Copy Link if you want to invite someone who’s not in your WhatsApp contact list.
7. Type the name of the contact to whom you want to send the invite on WhatsApp. Once the person’s contact appears tap on it to select it and then tap on Send.
Must Read: WhatsApp Groups vs Communities: How They Differ.
Inviting to a WhatsApp Community on Android
If you’re using WhatsApp on your Android device and want to invite someone to your Community, then here are the steps to do so.
1. Navigate to WhatsApp on your Android smartphone and tap to open it.
2. Once WhatsApp opens, tap on the Communities tab near the Chats.
3. Now tap on the Community to which you want to invite someone.
4. In the communities page, tap on Invite members to start.
5. Tap on Send link via WhatsApp to invite a person from your contact list.
Pro Tip: You can also invite someone who’s not in your WhatsApp contact list by tapping on Copy link or Share link.
6. Tap on a contact to select it from the list and then tap on the green arrow button in the bottom right corner.
Note: If the person isn’t in your recent chats or frequently contacted, you can also search for them by tapping on the Magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen.
7. The person’s chat will open up with an invite for the community, tap on the Send button to send them the invite.
1. What happens when I’m invited to a community?
If you accept someone’s WhatsApp Community invite, then you’re added to the announcement group of that Community.
2. If I am invited to a community, am I added to the community or community announcement group?
Once you accept an invite to the WhatsApp community, you are added to that Community and by default, you are added to the Community’s announcement group. You can now view all the groups that are under that Community and request to join them, just tap on group name > Request to Join.
3. What if I am invited to a WhatsApp group that is part of a community?
You will be added to that particular group in the WhatsApp community only. You can view other groups in the community but aren’t added to them automatically. You may request to join them though. You will still be added to the Announcement group of the community though.
Expand Your Communities
WhatsApp Communities is a new feature that is supposed to help organize groups in a simple way. You can use this wisely to make a community for your neighborhood, school, and society and can do much more just from WhatsApp.
Want to know what WhatsApp Community admins can do and how to manage them? Read this in-depth guide to quench your thirst.