Are the photos on your iPhone looking low quality as compared to when you captured them? Or are you wondering what happened to my high-resolution photos? If this is an issue with your photos on your iPhone, today we will be showing you how to deal with this for good. Before we take a look at how to get full-resolution photos back on iPhone from iCloud, let’s understand why this is happening in the first place.
Why Are My Photos Looking Like Low Quality
The main reason why you are seeing low-quality photos on iPhone Photos app is that it is trying to save storage space. Apple does this on iPhone and iPad to optimize storage. To do that, images are compressed and then stored locally on your device, which leads to low-resolution and lower-quality images as compared to the originals that you captured. On the other hand, all your high-resolution photos are safe on iCloud. So you can still get back your full-resolution images on your iPhone from iCloud and we will explain how below.
Get Full Resolution Photos Back From iCloud
There are two ways to get full-resolution photos back from iCloud on your iPhone. Let’s take a look at both methods to do so.
The First Method: Temporary Fix
If you want to save your iPhone storage and don’t want to download all photos in high resolution, you should try this method. Let’s begin.
1. Open the Photos app and tap on the photo that you want to view in full resolution.
2. Once the photo opens in full screen, tap on Edit.
3. Wait for a moment, and let the image download from iCloud.
4. Once the image gets downloaded in full resolution, just tap on Cancel to go back. Now you should be viewing that image in full resolution.
Note: Do remember that this is a temporary fix. After some time, the image will be again switched to a lower resolution version. Why? To save storage space of course.
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The Second Method: Permanent Fix
If you have ample amount of storage on your iPhone and want to store all photos in full resolution, then you should follow this method. It will allow you to store the photos as it is permanently on your iPhone.
1. Open the Settings app and tap on name/Apple ID.
2. Tap on iCloud.
3. Now tap on Photos to proceed further.
4. On the Photos settings page, tap on Download and Keep Originals. This will download all the photos on your iPhone in full resolution permanently.
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Adios to Low-Quality Photos
In conclusion, retrieving full-resolution photos from iCloud on your iPhone is a simple process that can help you say goodbye to low-quality images and hello to crystal-clear memories. These steps will have you well on your way to enjoying high-resolution photos on your iPhone and iPad. So don’t wait any longer, try these steps out and see the difference for yourself. I hope this article was helpful to you in restoring your precious memories in no time.
By the way, did you know you can now create and edit collages in Google Photos on your iPhone? And if you are subscribed to the Google Drive premium plan, you can also use it to store high-quality photos and videos, all in the cloud.