I came across some new icons and symbols while using Telegram recently. So I thought it was time to update this guide on Telegram icons and symbols and their meanings. Let’s go through the UI quickly and look at all the icons and symbols in Telegram.
Telegram DMs and Group Icons Meaning
Here are icons and symbols you may encounter when you are messaging someone on Telegram one to one or in a group:
- Single checkmark: Message has been sent to the receiver but he/she is yet to view it.
- Paperclip icon: Tap on it to attach files, media, location, contact, take a photo, etc.
- Mic icon: Tap and hold to record and send an audio message directly.
- Double checkmarks: Message has been seen by the receiver.
- Folded circle: search and send emojis, stickers, and GIFs.
- Clock icon: Message has not been sent yet. Reasons could include network problems, flight mode being enabled, etc.
Note: In WhatsApp, the grey double-check icon means the message was sent, and the blue double-check icon means the message was read. Telegram works a little differently where double-check icon color doesn’t change color. No ‘delivered’ status icon because you can use Telegram on multiple devices immediately. We have a separate guide for WhatsApp icons and symbols.
- Phone symbol: Press on that to make an audio or video call. Whether or not you can make a call depends on the recipient’s privacy permissions.
- Face icon: Emoji icon on Androids is slightly different than how it appears on iPhones.
- Down arrow with number: The number represents the number of unread messages. Pressing the down arrow will take you to the last message marking all prior messages as read.
- Right arrow: Share that specific message with another group, channel, or person.
- Pin with three bars: Groups and channels can pin certain messages so they remain at the top no matter how much you scroll. Useful for announcements.
Apart from the above, you may encounter some other icons occasionally.
- Red exclamation mark: The message was not uploaded to Telegram servers after trying for more than 5 minutes. Tap on the icon to try resending the message.
- Eye icon with a number next to it: The number of times someone saw that message.
- Keyboard icon: Replace the emoji keyboard with an alphabetical and numerical keyboard.
- Plus icon at top: Find more emojis here that you can add.
- Big plus sign: Create emojis from your photos.
- Plus sign on top of emoji: Add that emoji pack to your collection so you can use them quickly.
- Cog icon: Open emoji and sticker settings.
- Star icon: These emoji packs are for premium Telegram users.
- If you see a clock icon next to plus icon (2), tapping on that will reveal all your recently used emojis for quick access.
- The cross icon will clear all recently used emojis from your history.
Did You Know: You can both sync and export contacts from Telegram?
Telegram Chat Screen Symbols
- Speaker with line: That chat is muted. You won’t receive notifications when message is received from that chat.
- Pin icon: This chat has been pinned to the top so no matter who sends you a message, it remains at the top. Useful if you have a favorite person or group you frequently visit.
- Plus icon with dots: Premium Telegram users can upload stories similar to Instagram and WhatsApp.
- Square with pen: Send a new chat to a person, group, or channel. Also, add new contact.
- Blue tick: Account is verified. Again, same as on most social media sites.
- Big blue dot: Unread messages.
- Unlocked padlock: Telegram app is password or face unlocked.
1. How to check seen time of the message sent on Telegram?
Tap and hold on the message to check the Read time and date.
2. What if the message is sent but the recipient chooses not to read my message? How do I know?
Again, you will only see a single check and there is no way to find out.
Pro Tip: You can copy Telegram profile links, group and channel links, and even link to the messages sent by someone easily. Learn how right now.